The mobile app development process is a standard activity; however, every project is different based on the app’s features, functions, and complexity. The process of building an app includes strategy, design, development, and deployment, pretty much like any other software development project.

We break down the mobile app development process into seven steps and describe each step in detail. This will help you understand how your product evolves from an idea to a working application available on app stores.

Knowing all the steps involved in the mobile app development process will save you a lot of time and resources. In this article, we will walk you through the mobile app development process from idea to launch and beyond.

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How to Create Mobile Application?

We live in a society everything including mobile app development process is evolving at a faster pace than it ever did.

The main reason is the involvement of technology and the new influence of AI on the way how we think, live, and process information.

There are many different methodologies and processes when it comes to how to develop mobile applications. However, based on our experience, the agile methodology should be adopted to build, improve upon, and maintain app development in 2024.


Why Agile is Important for App Development?

Just like most software projects humans have developed since the inception of the software industry, we don’t know everything at the start. As part of discovery and working through application development, we uncover new facts and details that we didn’t consider at the start. As part of discovery and working through application development,


we uncover new facts and details that we didn’t consider at the start.

Agile in the mobile app development process focuses on flexibility and teamwork. It helps your team plan and develop things step by step, always improving along the way. With Agile, your team adjusts quickly to changes without delaying the release of their apps. This way of working helps reduce app problems, make better-quality apps, and make customers happier.


How Does Agile Mobile App Development Work?

The Agile mobile app development process includes six phases which are as follows

Phase 1: Requirement analysis

In the first phase, your team looks at what the app needs to do. You think about what the business wants, what users want, and what’s popular in the market. Everyone who has a stake in the app gets to give their ideas about what it should have and what it should do. This helps set the stage for building the app later on.


Phase 2: Design

In the second phase your team creates a comprehensive mobile app design plan. This also includes the app’s visual and functional aspects. The design phase involves the following activities:

  • User interface (UI) design
  • User experience (UX) design
  • Technical design
  • Interaction design

Phase 3: Development

When it’s time actually to build the app, it is called the “development phase.” It is super important in agile mobile app making. This phase happens in short bursts called sprints, which last for 2-4 weeks each. In these sprints, the team works on different parts of the app that they planned out before.

You will also have quick meetings every day called Scrums, where you discuss your work. This helps your team see if anything is slowing them down so they can fix it and keep going smoothly.


Phase 4: Testing

Testing is really important in Agile mobile app making. It starts early and keeps going throughout the process. Agile likes to use automated testing to make things smoother. These tests check if the app works well for users if it does what it’s supposed to, and if it’s fast and reliable.

Testing regularly helps make sure the app stays stable as new things get added. Here are the different kinds of tests in Agile:

  • Unit testing: Testing each part of the app on its own to make sure it works right.
  • Integration testing: Making sure different parts of the app work well together.
  • Functional testing: Checking if the app does what it should be based on what was planned.
  • Performance testing: Seeing how fast and responsive the app is and how much it uses resources.
  • Security testing: Making sure the app is safe from hackers and that people’s data is protected.
  • Regression testing: Checking that new changes to the app don’t mess up things that already worked before.

Phase 5: Deployment

The deployment phase is when the app gets released for people to download and use on different devices. Before releasing it, the quality assurance team does a final check to make sure everything works right. If they find any problems, the development team fixes them quickly.

This phase also involves teaching users how to use the app, deciding when to release it, and making sure everyone knows how to communicate about it. After everything’s sorted out, the app is ready to be released for real.


Phase 6: Review

Once your application is deployed and ready for you to use, the review phase starts. Now it is time to see how well the app is doing and hear what you think about it. We want to know what you like and what you think needs improvement. Our goal is to make sure the app works well for you and meets your expectations.


Why Choose Agile Methodology for Mobile App Development Process?

Lots of businesses, from big companies to small ones, use Agile because it makes developing mobile apps easier. It breaks the process into smaller tasks, which helps teams adjust to what people want from apps quickly. Here are some reasons why Agile is great:

  • It makes really good apps.
  • It gets apps out to people faster.
  • It costs less to make apps.
  • It’s easy to change things if needed.
  • It gives better control over the mobile app development process.

People like the apps more when they’re made this way.

Effective Agile Frameworks for Mobile App Development Process

Some of the most effective agile frameworks for the mobile app development process include the following.


Scrum, the main Agile method, splits projects into short bits called ‘Sprints,’ usually lasting 2-4 weeks. It’s great for projects without clear goals. As the mobile app development process goes on, it gets better and clearer. A small team works together, led by a Scrum Master, solving problems daily to finish on time.



Kanban is another way to do Agile for making mobile apps. It is about showing the work visually at every step. You can split the project into different parts and see how each part is doing. On a board, you move tasks from “To Do” to “Done.” It helps manage how many tasks each person does at once, so they don’t get overwhelmed.



Lean, another Agile way, focuses on making things better and faster by cutting out stuff that does not help. It is about improving all the time, making better software, and keeping customers happy. Lean also avoids doing too many things at once, which can slow down work and make it worse.


Extreme programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a way to improve mobile app development process. The team and the customer work closely together to build the product. The customer gives feedback, and the developers use it immediately. Then they keep going like this for each new part of the project.

This teamwork helps spot and fix any problems quickly. It also ensures the product fits exactly what the customer wants. XP also breaks big projects into smaller bits, releasing working parts often. Using XP means making great software and meeting customers’ needs well.

Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

The Adaptive Project Framework (APF) is all about being flexible and ready to change when needed. In today’s fast-paced world, plans might need to be adjusted halfway through due to client wishes or market shifts.

In APF, you do not adhere rigidly to one plan. Instead, you are open to trying new ideas and making changes along the way. This allows the team to check whether they are on track and adjust as needed.

A big part of APF is getting everyone involved in decisions. Clients, the team, and users all have a say. By listening to everyone, the team can make sure they’re making something that the client will love.


Using Micro Feedback Loop

Micro-feedback used in the agile mobile app development process affects how well you perform. It comes in three levels:

Task-based feedback

It helps you with specific tasks. For example, “Give patients a list of service providers when referring to nursing homes.”


Process-based feedback

This helps you think critically. For instance, “Use the decision tree strategies for this customer complaint.”

Self-regulation-based feedback

This type of micro feedback loop helps you manage your learning. Like, “Pause after tasks and ask SMART questions.”

Best practices for implementing Agile methodologies in mobile app development

To successfully implement Agile mobile app development process, consider these top seven best practices.

  • Work together with the customer
  • Work as a team
  • Have daily meetings standing up
  • Track progress with burn-down charts
  • Set up communication rules
  • Think about user experience
  • Test as you build the app

7 Steps of the Mobile App Development Process

The process of mobile app development can somewhat vary on an individual basis. However, the following seven mobile app development process steps are the ones you must know.

Step# 1 – Strategy development

When you start making an app, the first thing to do is plan your strategy. This means thinking about what you want your app to do, who will use it, and how you will make money from it.

  • Identify Objectives

Think about what problem your app will solve and who will use it. What do you want your app to achieve? Write down your main goals so you can always remember what you are aiming for.

  • Research Competitors

Check out other apps that do similar things. See how well they are doing and learn from them. This helps you avoid mistakes and figure out how to make your app stand out.

  • Select Platform

Decide if your app will be for Android, iOS, or both. Think about which platform is best for your app and its users. This is important to consider early on in the process.

  • Choose Monetization Method

If your app is for consumers, decide how you will make money from it. You could use ads, in-app purchases, subscriptions, or other methods. The way you make money depends on what your app does. For example, if you are making a dating app, you might use subscriptions. If it is a game, you might use ads and in-app purchases.

Overall, your choices about your app’s strategy will depend on what you want it to do and who will use it. Keep your goals in mind as you make these decisions.


Step #2 – Analysis and Planning

The analysis and planning phase is crucial in turning your app idea into a reality. After brainstorming and researching, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty details before diving into design and development.

  • Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

Firstly, you need to outline what your app will do. For example, if it is a finance app, you will need functions like account creation, credit card management, and payment processing.


These tasks form your functional requirements, detailing the features your app must have. Additionally, you will consider non-functional requirements, which focus on aspects like performance and user experience and ensure your app runs smoothly.

  • Product Roadmap

Next, create a roadmap for your app’s journey. Think of it as a detailed plan for reaching your goals. You’ll prioritize features, aiming for success when you release your Minimum Viable Product (MVP). By ranking features and deciding which ones can wait for future updates, you set a clear path for development.

  • Technology Stack

Finally, consider the technology needed for your project. If you are making an iOS app, you will need iOS developers. Expertise in tools like Titanium or Xamarin is essential for cross-platform apps. Ensure you have the right skills to effectively bring your app to life.

By carefully analyzing your requirements, mapping out your app’s journey, and selecting the appropriate technology, you set a solid foundation for your app’s development. This phase is crucial for ensuring your app meets both your vision and your users’ needs.

Step #3 – UI/UX Design

Designing your app’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is super important for keeping users interested. If your design is confusing or not good, users will leave for other apps, which can be really frustrating after all your hard work. Therefore, it is crucial to put effort into creating your app something users will love.

  • Information Architecture and Workflows

Start by figuring out how your app will organize and show information. Decide what data will be in your app and how users will use it. Workflow diagrams help you see how users will move around your app, making sure it’s easy to use.

  • Wireframes

Business experts create wireframes, which are like digital drawings showing how your app will work. They focus on making sure your app looks good and works well, giving you a clear idea of its appearance.

  • Style Guides

Style guides gather all the design details like fonts, colors, and spacing. They make sure everything in your app looks consistent and matches your brand, giving your app a unified look.

  • Mockups

Designers use the style guide to create mockups, which are detailed pictures of your app. Mockups bring your wireframes to life and show how your app will really look and work.

  • Prototypes

Prototypes let you try out your app before it is finished. They show how users will use your app and help you find any problems with the design. While making prototypes takes time, they are really important for making sure your app is perfect.


 Step 4: App Development

Now that you have finished designing your app, it is time for a big step in your app-making journey. This stage is super important and has two main parts: backend and frontend.

Backend App Development

This part is all about setting up the stuff behind the scenes that makes your app work well. It is where databases and server-side things get created.


Your team will pick the right coding languages and start writing the app’s code.

They’ll also choose the best tools for managing data and hosting your app. Getting this part right is key because it determines how well your app can handle a large number of users in the future. Therefore, it is important to work with skilled developers who can help your app grow as your user base does.

Frontend App Development

This is what users see and interact with when they use your app. There are three main ways to build it:

  • Platform-specific App Development

This means making separate apps for iOS and Android. Each app is tailored specifically for that platform, making it super-fast and smooth.

  • Cross-platform App Development

These apps work on different platforms using the same code. They are cheaper to make and the code can be reused for different systems.

  • Hybrid App Development

These apps combine features from platform-specific and web apps. They are great for running on many platforms without spending too much time building them.

Step 5: Mobile App Testing

Once you have finished making your app, it’s time to start testing it. You want to make sure it is stable, safe, and free of any problems.

Here are five testing methods your app should go through before it is ready for everyone to use:

  1. Functionality

Check that all the features of your app work correctly.

  1. Performance

Test how fast your app is and how well it works when lots of people are using it at the same time.

  1. Security

Make sure your app keeps people’s information safe, especially if it is for things like insurance or healthcare.

  1. Platform and Device

Try your app on different types of phones and tablets to make sure it works on all of them.

  1. Extended Review

Get feedback from real users before you release your app to everyone. You can do this by asking people to try it out or by launching a test version for a small group of users.


Step 6: Deployment

When it is time to release your app, you will need to choose how to distribute it depending on the platform you developed it for. The mobile app development process is pretty straightforward when it comes to deplyment. You can either submit your app to Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store or distribute it privately.

Both stores have their own rules and forms you will need to fill out. Just remember that the App Store can be strict about which apps it accepts, especially iOS apps.


If you are going for private distribution, look into Apple’s Developer Enterprise Program or Android’s Alternative Distributions to figure out the best way forward.

Step 7: Support and Performance Monitoring

Now that your app is out there and people are downloading it, it is time to start keeping an eye on how it’s doing. This step is really important, and it might even take more time than actually making the app itself. You need to keep checking on it regularly.

Here are some important things to look at:

  • How many times your app has been downloaded?
  • How many people are actively using it?
  • How long do people spend using your app each time?
  • How many people keep using your app over time?
  • How many people stop using your app?
  • How many people take actions you want them to, like making purchases?
  • How much money does each customer bring in over their lifetime?
  • What ratings does your app get from users?
  • What do users say about your app in reviews?

Remember to monitor any crashes, bugs, or problems users report and how well your app is performing overall. By paying attention to all of this, you can keep making your app better and better as time goes on.

Requirements for the Mobile App Development Process

For the mobile app development process, you will need to fulfill the following requirements. First, you need a clear idea of what you want your app to do and who will use it. This will help you plan and design your app effectively.

Next, you will need skilled mobile app developers ideally with local app development solutions who can write the code to make your app work. They should be familiar with programming languages like Java or Swift, depending on the platform you’re developing for.

You will also need a good design for your app, including how it looks and how people will use it. This might involve creating sketches or wireframes to map out your app’s layout and features. Once your app is built, you’ll need to test it to make sure it works properly. This involves checking for bugs, making sure it’s fast enough, and ensuring it’s secure.

Finally, you will need to deploy your app so people can use it. This might mean putting it on app stores like the App Store or Google Play or distributing it privately to certain users.

How Long Does It Take to Develop a Mobile App?

Designing and developing a simple app with basic functions might only take 2 to 3 months. This is usually the case for projects like Proof of Concept (PoC) or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) projects that are ready for the market. However, if you are aiming for a more complex app like Airbnb, which has lots of features and connects with other services, mobile app development process could take 6 months to a year to finish and release.

Several things affect how long it takes to develop an app:

  • The technology you use and how you approach it. Making apps for Android or iOS using their own tools usually takes longer than using tools that work for both platforms, like React Native or Flutter.
  • How many features your app has, and how complicated they are?
  • Connecting your app with other services or systems. This can either speed up development or make it take longer, depending on what you are integrating with.

If you are not sure how long your app will take to develop, experts in mobile app development can give you a rough estimate.

How ITV Can Help You in the Mobile App Development Process?

At IT Verticals, we have been in the mobile app development services for over 15 years, making us experts in our field. Whether you are a startup or a small company, we help you create mobile apps that people will love to use.

Our portfolio includes many successful projects in industries like logistics, clean tech, eHealth, education, and retail. We have developed dozens of apps that meet our client’s needs and delight their users.

If you need help with native or cross-platform mobile app design and development, we have you covered. Contact our team today to discuss your project and get a quote. We are here to help you bring your mobile app idea to life!

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of developing a mobile app varies based on factors like features, complexity, and platform. Simple apps may start at $5,000 to $20,000, while complex ones can range from $50,000 to $150,000 or more. Get quotes from developers to know your specific cost.

To develop mobile apps, consider factors like app type, features, and budget. For simple apps, consider cross-platform tools like React Native or Flutter. For complex apps needing high performance, native development for iOS (Swift) and Android (Java/Kotlin) might be better. Choose based on your project’s needs and goals.

The best tool for mobile app development depends on factors like app complexity, platform, and developer expertise. Tools like React Native or Flutter are popular for cross-platform development. For native development, consider Android Studio for Android and Xcode for iOS.


Creating an app can bring you lots of benefits. Using remote talent, like independent mobile app developers, can help you find skilled people without limitations. Let IT Verticals help you connect with these developers to kickstart your mobile app development process.

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