Google Algorithms are the rules defining how webpages rank on the search results. Google uses a number of algorithm combinations and ranking factors to deliver relevant search results for users.

Over a period of time, Google has released many updates to improve the user experience. The frequency of these updates has increased from a handful to thousands of changes per year.

Some of these changes are minor, they don’t affect the SERP (search engine result page) rankings much. These updates go unnoticed, and Google doesn’t even make an announcement. On the other hand, Google rolls out major and core algorithm updates that significantly affect the SERP rankings of websites.

The Google algorithm update can positively affect the search engine rankings of many websites, while others might be penalized and experience a drop in rankings. After these updates are rolled out, some websites also get de-ranked from the search engine.

Let’s look at the list of Google algorithm updates over the years and the changes experienced by SEO professionals.

Google Algorithm Updates

March 2023 Update

On 15th March 2023, Google announced a broad core algorithm update. It took 13 days and 7 hours for the rollout to complete on 28th March 2023.

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